Wednesday, January 31, 2007

New Books!

Originally, I was going to write about Out of Africa. But I'm too tired to do it justice.

I went to the library to pick up Inheritance of Loss and discovered that the library has a little 'book sale' section, where books are 50 cents each or 3/$1. Whoot! I hadn't come prepared to carry a bunch of books home, so I only bought six.

John le Carre's The Tailor of Panama, because I really enjoyed Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. I have another one of le Carre's books on my shelf right now, that I picked up at the B&N after-holiday sale. I love his style of spy novel.

Shadow Baby by Alison McGhee, because it look somewhat interesting and I needed a sixth book. It seems as if it's pretty standard contemporary fiction, but that's not a bad thing. Plus, one of my goals is to read more woman authors this year!

On that same note, I picked up Rachel Kadish's From a Sealed Room. I've never read any Jewish fiction, so this'll expand my horizons!

In honor of my international lit goal, I grabbed a collection of short stories by Shusaka Endo called Stained Glass Elegies. I like short stories, and I wish that I owned more.

So, I also went for Ken Kalfus's short story colelction, Pu-239 and Other Russian Fantasies. It's based on the author's four years in Moscow. I studied in Russia for six months last year, so I'm always interested in takes on that confusing country! Plus, it has a pretty cover.

Finally, I snatched up Crowe's Requiem by Mike McCormack, mainly because a review called it "a new fairy tale." I'm always up for a blend of myth and life.

Of course, I can't actually read any of these books right now. I'm beginning to see how TBR stacks are born....

Instead, I'm 1/4 through The Black Book, a little way into Inheritance of Loss, and still slogging through Virginia Woolf. None of these are really satisfying me, however, so I think I'll switch over to my next classic for awhile, Lady Audley's Secret.

Out of Africa was so amazing, I think I've been a bit spoiled.

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