No mini-challenge this hour, which is probably good, since I'm quite caught up in Jackson's book! I love the South (it kinda reminds me of Russia, in that I love it and hate it at the same time, lol), and thanks to Maggie's Southern Reading Challenge earlier this year, I realised how much I enjoy the genre. I saw this book reviewed a few times back then, and then I went to B&N and found it on clearance. Yay! I plan to finish this one by 9, and then start on Sara's mini-challenge of reading in another language. Girding my loins, as they say! (at least, I think that's what they say) Oh-I've also passed the 1,000 page mark! Very exciting. :) And Blogger still isn't letting me post pictures, which is less than exciting. Those tacos were cute, lol, and I had plans for some other pictures as the night progresses. I'll just hope it fixes itself soon. :)
Books Read (this hour): Gods in Alabama by Joshilyn Jackson
Pages Read (cum.): 1036
Books Completed: 3 (Tithe by Holly Black, The Kitchen Boy by Robert Alexander, The Pale Horse by Agatha Christie)
Mini-Challenges Participated In: 8
Thought I'd drop by and do some unofficial cheerleading. Looks like you've gotten lots of good reading into your thirteen hours so far. I read The Kitchen Boy last year and loved it, and I've heard tons of people say they loved Gods in Alabama. Always helps to have a few excellent books when reading for such a long time, right?
Keep up the good reading! =D
Megan, thansk so much for dropping by!
Good reading your post
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