Sunday, October 21, 2007

Hour Eighteen

This is a late update, because I simply couldn't stop reading Marked. Technically, I didn't finish it until Hour Nineteen, but I'm still going to talk about it here. It had a lot of Wiccan elements in it, which amused me (not because Wicca is funny, but the idea of Wiccan vampires certainly is). I could've done without some of the pop culture references, but those tended to become more scarce in the second half of the book. Of course, it leaves at an utter cliffhanger, so now I have to go get the second one (Betrayed)! Let's see...well, I'd definitely recommend this one to everyone who's trying to stay awake in the tail end of a 24 hour read-a-thon. :) Other than that, it's kind of like Harry Potter + vampire + Wicca/pagan. For me, the coolest part is that the main character is part Cherokee and really connects with her roots. If any and all of that appeals to you, and you enjoy/don't mind YA style, I say go for it!

Books Read (this hour): Marked by P.C. and Kristin Cast
Pages Read (cum.): 1383
Books Completed: 4 (Tithe by Holly Black, The Kitchen Boy by Robert Alexander, The Pale Horse by Agatha Christie, Gods in Alabama by Joshilyn Jackson)
Stories Read: 2 ("The Death of a Government Clerk" and "The Sly Little Boy" by Anton Chekhov)
Mini-Challenges Participated In: 11


Dewey said...

Look at you, still all upbeat and awake. I believe if those Wiccan vampires bit you, they'd find caffeinated blood! ;)

Ana S. said...

That's an amazing number of pages!

That sounds like a very entertaining series. It's definitely wise to pick up lighter reading for the last few hours of the readathon.

Eva said...

Nymeth, agreed! I'm a little surprised by the page count myself. I don't usually read that fast; maybe being in a readathon spurred me along?