Saturday, October 20, 2007

Hour Fifteen

This hour I spent immersed in Russian. I read a bit of Pushkin, a bit of Akhmatova, and then I settled down to a couple of Chekhov's short stories. I love Chekhov: I think his talent is incredible, for one thing, and for another he writes in quite simple Russian, so it's easier for me to figure out what's going on. :) This was to complete Sara's mini-challenge, and I'm happy that she challenged me! I read the stories aloud, and just enjoyed the 'foreign-ness' of it all. :D Here's the front and back covers of the Chekhov collection I have (it's the collection "The Lady with the Little Dog"). Fun factoid about Russian books: the table of contents is in the back, instead of the front.

I'm not sure what I'll move on to next...but I'm going to try to stay up all 24 hours, so I do know I'll be drinking lots of caffeine!

Books Read (this hour): "The Death of a Government Clerk" and "The Sly Little Boy" by Anton Chekhov (but in Russian)
Pages Read (cum.): 1180
Books Completed: 4 (Tithe by Holly Black, The Kitchen Boy by Robert Alexander, The Pale Horse by Agatha Christie, Gods in Alabama by Joshilyn Jackson)
Stories Read: 2 ("The Death of a Government Clerk" and "The Sly Little Boy" by Anton Chekhov)
Mini-Challenges Participated In: 10


Dewey said...

I decided to dump the slideshow and my husband randomly picked one of the people who had commented on it for the prize, and you won! So you get to choose 3 books from the list.

I'll do the slideshow again next year, but with different authors and silly names for the photos. I'd just make a new slide show now, but I'm too tired!

1morechapter said...

You're amazing. I'm getting tired now.

Dewey said...

Me too! I am completely out of it! It's disorienting, like being drunk or something.

Eva said...

Dewey, yay! I feel so special! :)

to Dewey and 3M, yeah...that feeling just kicked in for me too!

BookGal said...

Great job today! You amaze me with how much reading you've gotten done!

alisonwonderland said...

congrats on winning the slideshow drawing! (in case you can't find my email address, it's alisonwonderlandUT AT gmail DOT com.)

chrisa511 said...

Wow! I leave for a few hours and I come back and you're over the 1000 page mark and reading Russian! :) I'm definitely doing this next year. This sounds like it's been so much fun. Though I know you must all be getting tired!

Eva said...

Bookgal, thanks!

Alison, thanks so much for the books...I'll e-mail you my selections. :)

Chris, it is fun! I'll pop on over to your blog and see what you're up to. :D

Sarah Dillon said...

well done Eva, you rose to this challenge really admirably! Enjoying the experience of "foreignness" is my favourite thing about languages, culture, meeting other people and travelling in general. I enjoyed your fun factoid about Russian books too :)