Two-thirds there. We can do this, people! This hour, I definitely experienced a slump. Between looking at the blogs, picking my prize books (I won the mini-challenge!), and suddenly realising how exhausted I was, there wasn't much time for actual reading. I was feeling kind of low, so I decided to make the ultimate late-night pick-me-up...
home-made hot chocolate! Yay! I also decided to break out my other YA novel, Marked by P.C. and Kristin Cast. I don't need heavy reading right now! Hopefully the next couple hours will fly by. :D
Mini-Challenge for this hour was to visit blogs. 3M (who has been around to all of us readers tons of times, leaving uplifting comments, rather like a cheerleader herself!) decided to take a break from Stephen King and go with an Alexander McCall Smith Precious Rambotse mystery, Tears of the Giraffe. My mom loves this series, and I have a different McCall Smith (The Sunday Philosophy Club) waiting on deck. Meanwhile, L-Squared (I wonder if Dewey was attracted to numbers this hour?) is moving through Dracula. More importantly, imo, she might have lost a snake! Uh-oh...
Books Read (this hour): Marked by P.C. and Kristin Cast
Pages Read (cum.): 1190
Books Completed: 4 (Tithe by Holly Black, The Kitchen Boy by Robert Alexander, The Pale Horse by Agatha Christie, Gods in Alabama by Joshilyn Jackson)
Stories Read: 2 ("The Death of a Government Clerk" and "The Sly Little Boy" by Anton Chekhov)
Mini-Challenges Participated In: 11
I love homemade hot chocolate. Nothing quite like it! 2/3 through! I'm exhausted just following y'alls progress, I can only imagine how everyone must feel!
Thanks for stopping by Chris!
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